Anyone who vapes has been issued an urgent lung warning.
People have been advised that vaping increases the risk of developing a dangerous lung infection.
Even if children already smoke, a recent study has warned that vaping could cause bronchitis in children. Bronchitis, an inflammation of the lungs’ airways, is frequently brought on by smoking.
Shortness of breath, coughing up clear, white, yellow, or green mucus, and chest aches when coughing are all symptoms. Given the results of one of the first studies to look at vapers who also smoke cigarettes or cannabis, American scientists are now urging regulators to keep an eye on the respiratory consequences of vaping products.
Vaping’s “cost” on lung health remained high regardless of whether users have asthma. Participants were 81% more likely to wheeze if they had puffed e-cigarettes in the past 30 days, versus those who had never used the nicotine products.
Struggling for breath while hurrying on flat land or walking up a slight hill was considered wheezing. Bronchitic symptoms were twice as likely among those who used the synthetic devices in the past 30 days, defined as a daily cough for three months in a row, suffering bronchitis in the past 12 months, or experiencing congestion or phlegm without having a cold.
The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center’s Dr. further stated that bronchial symptoms were most frequently mentioned in each questionnaire.
If any of the issues discussed in this article are causing problems for you, please do not hesitate to contact us, and we will try to assist you in any way possible.